Outreach Education
In accordance with our mission statement, Manatee Village Historical Park participates in, and offers, several different outreach educational programs. Below are educational programs and opportunities we offer and/or participate in.
Soar in 4 is a free event open to Manatee County students and their families held at the Bishop Museum of Science and Nature. Each month a new ‘spotlight book’ will be featured, which each family will receive to take home. Families participate in activities to learn how to use various materials to support the ‘spotlight book,’ as well as incorporate take-home items to continue to play, create, learn, and explore at home together.
The mission of Manatee Village Historical Park is “to preserve and share the heritage of Manatee County’s founding period (1840-1918).” We present lectures on a wide range of topics related to our mission, including pioneer history in Florida, historic preservation, the history of Manatee Village Historical Park, and more!

Like & Follow the Manatee History Day Facebook page for updates, photos, and resources for parents & teachers!
2024 - 2025 Theme:
"Rights and Responsibilites in History"
Click here for all the details on Manatee History Day.
If you have any questions about participating in Manatee History Day, please
reach out to us by email at history.day@manateeclerk.com or call 941-749-7165.
We are happy to provide information and materials as they become available.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram: @manateehistoryday